Project development work of the design process of the Amazon Aid brief.
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See below:
Initial research into the 'problem'; what were the issues? How can a solution be navigated around this issue of climate change?
Identifying 'where' people found out about the 'problem'. Understanding of consumer experience when learning about climate change and natural disasters.
How could Amazon implement charitable acts? Research into Shelter Box, and their efforts to provide support in times of disaster.
How could Amazon create their own support system? Initial design phases into the emergency 'pod'.
Development of user experience; creating an application that functions alongside an emergency 'Amazon Pod' when a natural disaster occurs. Users are able to donate personal items or recommended supplies to pods when installed.
Research into the 'Amazon Pods', and how UI experience can channel live news and support to customers.
Integrating Amazon packaging as a secondary use. Inspired by early research, customers are able to refill their Amazon packaging to fill with supplies and donate to emergency 'Amazon Pods'.
Exploration into an Amazon news feed, and the design of a live information page that alerts consumers about natural disasters. The feature would link with the brand identity of 'Prime' and connect as its own sub-brand to act as a charitable branch.